Getting a small business off the ground is challenging enough. Keeping up with every new trend, technological advance and social media tool can make anyone’s head spin.Success graph

Here are some important points we found have a look:

Embrace the cloud: Cloud technology — as in computer data storage accessed through the Web — has been around for several years now. Cloud automation tools add simplification to many business processes, allowing us to rethink our workflows, save time and money and develop new, better, simpler ways of working.

Use ‘big data’: Use ‘big data’: “Big data is a collection of data from traditional and digital sources inside and outside your company that represents a source for ongoing discovery and analysis.” Using this information may give small business owners insight into what’s working and what’s not.

Make the most of mobile: It wasn’t all that long ago that purchasing something via the Internet was a new concept. Now with mobile technology, the scope and opportunity expands even more.

If you’re part of a business that collects mobile payments, you may know that Square made it easy for people to accept payment from credit cards anywhere. Now, the phone can be used to make payments as well as receive them.

Millennials matter: Depending on their brand and approach, new small business owners may not instantly connect with young people. But they cannot ignore the importance of the demographic, and all that goes with it, including buying habits and social media.

Social-media integration: Social media, any small business owner resistant to it, and specifically how it can be used to market a business, will need to evolve — and fast.

Every year, the major social media networks add a lot of new features to their platform that make them more usable for marketers. Marketers should keep an eye on advances in social media marketing throughout the year, and try to integrate them into their strategy.

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To know more you can read the original article published on business2community.

Image Credit: slamdonahue