Tag archives for Coworking - Page 2
Why Bosses Should Encourage their Employees to Work From Home
Did you know that one in five Americans work from home? That’s over 30 million people, and it’s a number that continues to rise. Many bosses wrongly assume that employees who work from home are lazy and spend most of their time watching TV in their pajamas. Here are some encouraging statistics in favor of ...
Technology 2015: 5 Things That Every Small Business Needs
Google 'small business technology' and you'll be overwhelmed. There are more than 807 million articles on the Internet about it.
Instead of reading 807 million articles, we’ve cut through the clutter and come up with the following five technology lessons of 2014.
1 -- Your business must go mobile
By 2017, mobile commerce -- shopping from smartphones and ...
Will You be Taking Part in These Future Small Business Trends?
This year will be an important one for every small business as powerful trends shape the direction of the economy. Here are the shifts that companies can expect:
Less Employees, More Freelancers
The nature of work has profoundly changed. Today, small businesses are easily able to match new revenue to needs in increased resources. This means less ...
Are You Suffering from Small Business Success?
Suffering from your success can be a painful point in any business, and— let’s face it—in the entrepreneur’s life as well.
You should be running things, your business should not be running you. Unfortunately, too often than not, when the promise of new customers and exciting offers come knocking, pausing to breathe seems like the last priority on anyone’s list. You are just going to dive in and ...
Computer Tips for Small Businesses
Small businesses rely heavily on computers, so it’s imperative that they give their equipment proper attention and maintenance.
Here are some simple computer maintenance guidelines for small businesses:
Don’t go cheap on computers.
You get what you pay for when it comes to computers and technology. Though that $150 refurbished or $250 new PC might look good for ...