Make Money From Your Empty Office SpaceIn an economy where the markets are swinging up and down, one of the most valuable commodities you can possess is space, especially in and around cities and towns.

But all too often we waste space, not really using every spare square foot to its maximum capacity. If you have an office the chances are you have lots of extra room, even if you don’t realize it yet. So whether you have a whole office to rent or just want to make use of empty desks, there is the potential to make money from your empty office space.

Offering a spare seat or two is half the story if you want to really want to make a profit by renting space. By renting out just a small space (such as a spare desk in your office) or something larger (such as a separate unit in your building), you can provide the right environment for sole traders and small businesses.

Whether you have an empty desk, a vacant office in your building or even a dedicated room in your house, don’t sit on valuable space when you could be making it work for you. It’s an idea that requires virtually no effort, and after all, having a full office creates a far better atmosphere than one which is only half-full.

You can read the whole article by Tom Reynolds on articles Bplans.

Your workplace comes complete with furniture, telephone lines and equipment, secure high-speed Internet access and a world-class business support team. The YourOffice team will help by setting up the room, installing the equipment and arranging for breaks or catering. We take care of all the details, so you can take care of making the presentation and closing the deal.

The YourOffice team is standing by to provide you with immediate help for your office search.

Image Credit:  Onarchitecturesite